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When a woman laughs ...

When a woman laughs,
loud and clear,
deep from her belly,
she disturbs the air around her,
waking the ghosts of her mother,
her mother and mothers long gone,
the ones who have never laughed aloud.

When a woman laughs,
loud and clear,
in a world that has only known her giggles and smiles,
they say she slays the demons that hold her in check.

When a woman laughs,
loud and clear,
they say she casts a spell
on the man who laughs with her,
a deep spell that holds them both in thrall.
They call him a magician
who can make a woman laugh,
loud and clear,
They call him a brave man who can hear a woman laugh,
loud and clear,
deep from her belly
that holds his born and unborn children.
They say he comes alive in her wild laughter,
the one who does not fear her free aliveness.

When a woman laughs,
loud and clear,
they say the past and future merge,
that stories of suppressed pain of generations gone by,
and the joy of generations to come
fuse into the raucous sound of her laughter.

When a woman laughs,
loud and clear,
in wild abandon,
She looks beautiful in her ugliness,
Her eyes crinkle up,
Her head lifts up,
Her shoulders shake,
The deep laughter
jiggles her stomach,
Her breasts heave in mirth,
Her hair flies all around,
Strange gurgly sounds escape her lips,
and, she cannot stop.

She, who has never laughed loud and clear,
in her wildness,
laughing now,
in the tribe of her wild sisters,
laughing away into the dark night,
heralding a new dawn.

- SS

( Image Courtesy - Pexels)

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