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It's been a long period

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. Periods. Some women dread it. Some have it easy. Every emotional outburst from an woman or a sign of her lowered tolerance or irritability is joked as linked to her periods. The age where girls get their first periods is getting younger and younger due to a changing world of lifestyle, food and artificial stimulants. How much has changed for women in the last 100 years with respect to the societal conversations

Creating your Value and Balance as a Teen and Young Adult!

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. The ages between 13 to 25 has to be the most challenging, exciting, confusing, frustrating and most energetic ones in a person's life. Bursting with ideas and the need to prove a point, find our identity, challenge outdated concepts, taking risks, both a fearless almost foolhardy period and yet one feels deeply sensitive to criticism, discouragement or censure.  We wear our emotions on our sleeve, and block out quic

The Strangeness of Intimacy

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. Sometimes, human connection hits us in the oddest of times and ways. And, we let our guard down to strangers which we may not to those who know us. Or, maybe those who know us are clouded by all the million moments we share reducing or removing any magic there is. May be, they miss seeing what we put out. May be, we do the same to those who are close to us. Intimacy is the mirror someo

What Good Women Leaders can teach you

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. Do women leaders bring a different set of teachings that one can draw from? What is it to work under leaders who are women? Do they lead differently in style? Do communication channels open up better in organizations? Is there a greater attention to detail? Does it encourage the mentoring of more leaders down the line who are tuned into both their masculine and feminine sides? Does it pave the way for better work-li

5 ½ Tits - A Short Story Read

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. Breasts. Tits. Boobs. Bosom. Called by so many names. An object of fantasy. Of ridicule. Of motherhood. Of femininity. The subject of poetry. A body part of shame. Too much, too flat, full, drooping, perky, round, pear shaped, unequal ... every single angle of this body part of woman is analysed, rated and judged. They say women cannot get along with other women. In this deeply moving story

Love Letters - The Slow in a Fast World

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. Love letters are timeless, innocent, sincere, an outpouring of the heart, a part of our lives entrusted to another unsure of the reception. Treasured carefully over the years as part of our life story. In a fast paced world today, this episode takes you on a delightful trip on what it is to take things slow. There is the quaint sharing of ;The Love letter', a reading from the A Thick Fat Finger and other stories o

Twin Flames and Soul Mates

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. Love! That much abused word that the world loves and hates in equal measure. It melts hearts, catches people off guard, arrives in mysterious ways and moments, stays fleetingly or stays for life. We seek the other through our dreams, fantasies, actions, efforts, nurture and prayers. We change ourselves to woo the other, to be seen as eternally desirable by them. We seek to express it in words, actions, gifts, surpri

The Pull of the Earth ...

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. For those so aligned, she is a nurturer, a mother, a source of all things divine and humankind, and we are just one of her many children. Any exploitation of her kindness or grace feels deeply violative of the sacredness of existence. All the aborigines, all ancient cultures are tuned into such a way of being. Increasingly, the capitalistic model considers the Earth to be merely something to be exploited, commodifie

Haircuts and Hairstyle disasters

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. The hair on our head. Something to flaunt. Adorn. Chop. Style. Cry over. Long, short, curly, thin, thick, wavy… too much of it, too little of it. Gone too quick. Greying too soon. Our equation with our crowning glory is so varied and so comical, that we can even call some days, and hair days… Here is a delightful, lighthearted sharing on all the tales from childhood – the agony and ecstasy and of course the silly ex

O the goodness ...

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. We talk so much about being good. Good Vs Evil. The rewards of goodness. The guilt of being not good. The disappointment of any slip in standards in goodness. But what does it truly mean, to be good? Is it compliance? Mindfulness? Sensitivity? Kindness? Our religions prescribe it in length, our leaders preach for it passionately, our parents drill it into us. but most of us still struggle with balancing it intern

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. Each of us look at the year gone by differently. Some in happiness, some in healing and grief, a few with determination and accomplishment, others with their bucket lists checked off, and a few wistful that they are beginning another year, with not enough to show for it. New year. New beginnings. How do we set better goals? Be it personal, professional, spiritual growth, how do we get better at narrowing the gap bet

The Art of Gifting

Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. It is the season of gifts. Of surprises. Of generosity. We call them presents. And, in a way they reveal us, as we are presenting a part of ourselves to another. A slice of us, or a slice of how we see them or comprehend them. Gifts are about wanting to put a smile on the face of another. Gifts are about thought, care and expression. Gifts are also about receiving with grace, gratitude and respect what is lovingly g


Listen to this episode from A Slice of Meraki - Staying High on Life on Spotify. Let's start with the very beginning! What is a beginning? It is a moment of shift, of awareness, of immense significance. It is a moment potent with promise and magic. Most often than not, we don't fully understand the significance of a beginning or are aware of the kind of energy we can consciously bring into it. This episode offers deep insights on beginnings that will help you understand it better and become mi

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