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Choices and Chances

A boy has a greater chance to come into this world.
A boy has a greater chance to not have a sexually abusive childhood.
A boy has a greater chance to his share of food before others.
A boy has a greater chance to study.
A boy has a greater chance to wear clothes of his choice.
A boy has a greater chance to entertain himself in any manner he wants.
A boy has a greater chance to play the sports and games of his choice.
A boy has a greater chance to get a vehicle and to use it.
A boy has a greater chance to move to another city to study.
A boy has a greater chance to study further if he desires.
A boy has a greater chance to have a say in his choice of partner.
A boy has a greater chance to demand that he be treated right.
A boy has a greater chance to not move to another city because of marriage.
A boy has a greater chance of retaining his name after marriage.
A boy has a greater chance to explore relationships without being ridiculed.
A boy has a greater chance to come home safe after it is dark.
A boy has a greater chance to practise or discard his religion.
A boy has a greater chance to rebel and still be loved.
A boy has a greater chance to abandon a life partner for trivial reasons.
A boy has a greater chance to indulge in violence and still be forgiven.
A boy has a greater chance to indulge in vices and not be shamed.
A boy has a greater chance to exhibit his anger.
A boy has a greater chance to fail and yet be allowed to try again.
A boy has a greater chance to explore his sexuality without being branded.
A boy has a greater chance to do things without needing consent.
A boy has a greater chance to not connect sex with pregnancies.
A boy has a greater chance to not be raped.
A boy has a greater chance to brush off the consequences of his actions.
A boy has a greater chance to indulge in his ambitions.
And, because a boy gets greater chances than he deserves,
he has a greater chance misusing it when he grows up if he does not watch out.
Not all the boys.
But, most.

And, to think how far girls have come in the world,
in spite of it all.
Just because, they choose to.

- Srividya Srinivasan 18/1/2018

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