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Walking in a misfit's shoes

With a little help from you, I can comprehend what it would be like to walk in your shoes, for I have tried walking in many. While it may not be the same as you walking in your shoes and I know it may not be a perfect fit, I can come close, for a little while in knowing how it feels to walk as you. I may of course forget what that feels like, but when we connect again with that spark that binds us, it reminds me to know what being you feels like. Atleast in a small way. And, to walk in your shoes.

I realise I cannot expect you to walk in mine for I am a misfit. An odd sized, weird, beautiful and slightly worn out pair that strangely looks new and sparingly used but yet has seen too many journeys and adventures that you would not have dared to walk nor tried because you were not as stupid as I was, or mad. However I try, I realise I fall short of trying to get you to walk in my shoes even if it is for a little while. That is the problem with being a misfit. The shoes never fit everyone. And, it is a very different journey trying to walk all the way with one or wearing one. And, it is a big task to persuade you to try walking in a misfit's shoes even if it is for a little while. To even get you to put it on to try.

I don't even want to tell you stories of how it is to walk in them anymore. I hide my shoes now, and pretend I walked just like you. That makes it easy. Now, I can wear other people's shoes for a short while and make them fit me and never tell them about what walking in a misfit's shoes feels like.

When I am all alone, I pull out my worn out, unused and overused misfit shoes and hug them tight. I explain to them that I am not ashamed to have walked in them and how proud of them I truly am. I treasure them but it is difficult to get others to try walking in them. So, I need to hide them until I find people who are desperate to find shoes like them, because they are seeking misfit shoes that don't fit everyone too.

I no longer offer my misfit shoes for others to even try. It is easier to walk in theirs for a little while than to ask them to try walking in mine. Even for a little while.

- SS

Pc: Pexels

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