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The warmth of the tribe

Sometimes, life recreates certain moments just to show you how much surrounded by love, solidarity, support feels like. How much the difference of walking completely alone earlier trying to hold onto your frail courage through an indifferent world to walking through the warmth of self-care and a beautiful tribe feels like. It is a lesson, a gift from the universe for having made it this far.

Nothing, nothing can prepare you for the overwhelming rush of gratitude you feel now. No words however gushy can be adequate to express the enormity of this gratitude. If you were earlier on your knees begging for understanding, support or some lightening of your pain, you hardly feel the weight of the load this time. The journey feels full of friends, known and unknown. The path lit with their kind hands and wishes. You finally walk strong, knowing you are held. Finally, home. Here is the tribe ... And, you finally belong. It is never the journey or destination. Merely, the company. Always, the company that makes all the difference.

You are home only when you find your tribe.

No storm is too big when you know you are not facing it alone. No storm can harm you if so many are there to help you find your courage through the storm.

Both times, it is you who still have to walk through the storm. But, what a difference it makes from walking through pitch dark with not a light in sight to walking under a sky lit with twinkling stars. The road itself is different. The darkness less daunting.

And, you know dawn breaks rosy after the black night of travel. And, you stand there in awe at the long road ahead, miles to go ... But, knowing there is a tribe.

- SS ( 10/3/2022)

Pc: Pexels

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