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The ache of fatherhood

Men are not merely money making machines for their families. Or, providers alone.

The number of good fathers out there, without any access or even information about their children is too high, especially in cases where the marriages or relationships have failed. It is not fair to the fathers or the children. There are definitely deeply abusive or even dangerous or violent men who should be kept as far away from the women or children as possible. That is beyond dispute. This writing is not in solidarity with them at all.

There are equally or a rising higher number of men who are decent, hardworking and live a hard, lonely life without any access to their families after a separation or divorce. Their every waking moment is for the children whose lives they have no information on. It is a dark, hard place for a father to be.

Like motherhood, fatherhood too is a very vulnerable and compassionate side to being human. A joy and gift. To be blessed with fatherhood and no means to express it, is highly cruel. Marriages or relationships can fail. It does not naturally mean that fatherhood has. Good men have a right to fatherhood as much as good women have to motherhood.

Human relationships are complex. Partings are often painful. But, fairness and compassion are very critical. Children too need to know that things may not always work out well with their parents, and in spite of everything they have the complete love and support of both their parents.

Missing a good father and good fathers who are missing their children will not help create a happier world. It is simply not right. Not to the good men, not to the children. This has to be said. Loud and clear.

- SS

Pc: Pexels

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