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Rare Diamonds

A diamond is a diamond because of the pressure it has seen. Once a really fine diamond is valued by those who really know diamonds, it will stay treasured and flaunted forever as a treasure closely guarded lest it is lost.

If a person recognises a rare diamond but treats it like a mere bauble then it loses its value not by its nature but who it is seen with and how it is treated.

A diamond remains a diamond by how it is treated and valued. Not everybody has access to a fine or rare diamond, and it never stays too long with those who have no idea what to do with it.

Even if it lies hidden for a long time, all it will take is that discerning eye to spot and exclaim, what was this rare diamond here that was being treated like a bauble doing in the wrong hands ?

If you do not know what to do with a diamond or how to value it, it makes no difference whether you proclaim it to be a rare diamond or treat it like an ordinary glass bead. The discernment is not in the spotting of the diamond but in the ability to value, care and safeguard it.

Diamonds are not for everybody. And, a really fine and rare diamond that has handled tremendous pressure well is for that special few who know it's true value and how to treasure it and make it theirs.

PC: Karen Laårk Boshoff - Pexels

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