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Observing Relationships - Dialectic Monologues

me: Let us talk about observing. Are you telling me that relationships come up because only in the presence of the other, the notion of self can exist?

ME: You can put it like that. Your assumption is correct.

me: Then were we created, so that the big observer would have a subject to observe and hence he\she comes into being only because we were created?

ME: You are getting there. Go on...

me: and we need to observe the big observer for him\her to come into being and continue to exist?ME: Yep. In the absence of observing, everything disappears.

me: So, is that why the sense of duality? To keep this sense of existence in balance?

ME: Yep, you seem to be in a sharp mode today!

me: So, as long as the notion of observer and subject exists, the concept exists?

ME: Yes.me: What happens when I do not observe you? When we do not acknowledge that there is an observer within and there is a subject being observed. What happens to the two birds on that tree? You and I?

ME: We cease to exist. I exist because you think I do. You exist because I think you do. When we merge, there is nothing there. The notion disappears. So does GOD.

me: So, if we disappear, everything disappears.

ME: Yes. We are needed. Because we are observing, the universe exists for us. It would disappear if we did. And, because we exist, the universe exists. We are built into the same thing, nondetachable.

me: Are you trying to trip me up on a Saturday morning?

ME: Ah, the notion of time. But, then that is a whole new subject. Or is it? We exist because we are the subject and the observer.

me: So, who is the subject and who is the observer?

ME: That is the fun part. It is fluid. And, we are indistinguishable. Except when I am written in caps and you aren't. Ha ha!

me: So, only in the presence of the other, the notion of self can exist?

ME: Yep.me: I love you.

ME: I love ME too.
me: Bah!

- SS

( Snippet from my upcoming book - Dialectic Monologues) 

 Pic Courtesy: Jenna Hamra from Pexels

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