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At the Sidewings of your own life story

The loneliest moments are not those of regret but moments where you do not belong, are not acknowledged at your full value in your own life moments. They are moments of intense awareness, that in the drama of life playing out in front of you, you are not an active participant. That when you could have taken centrestage in your own story, you are in the sidewings.

It is about living the moment you think you should have in your head, and finding that it is playing out very different in reality and no one cares about the irony other than your own self. It is like you long to there, and instead watch an empty shell in your place being honoured, and no one is searching for the real you, watching this by the side-wings, eager for the imposter to be called out and you to be replaced. Surely, someone would notice that you are not really there? Fully present? The loneliest moments are ones of ache, for moments not fully lived and in which you would have given anything to do so. To have owned the centrestage or have someone notice and care that you do.

- SS

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