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All lives should matter.

It will.

If you hold all life as sacred.

Sacred is not holy. 

Sacred is not religious.

Sacred is something far deeper.

If you understand sacredness, you cannot harm a single soul. You cannot hate a single entity. And, the anger that comes from violation of sacredness is not the anger of the manipulated. The anger from sacredness is a deep pain at the futility of trying to protect and explain the awe of existence to those who have forgotten it, and who force you to converse at the lowest level for conversation.

It is a deep anger and inherent sadness at the glorious potential and freedom and glory that exists. It is to be surrounded by the magic of creation, and going hoarse trying to explain it those who cannot see. Sacredness is the deep silence of the essence, the embedded magic in the interconnectedness, the small and the big, the hidden and the visible, the understood and the unknown... the sheer complexity of creation and our tiny place in it with its immense possiblites.

Sacredness is to tremble in awe at it all and be grateful for that glimpsing and knowing what that means but knowing no words can ever do justice to that.

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